Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cootie Kiss

I was in kindergarten, still wary of boys and their cooties
Until, Tanner Snow came along. 
It was instant, naive love. 
My youthful heart skipped a beat the first time his hand brushed mine. I barely even noticed his cooties transferring to me. 
His alluring eyes made me feel as if I had never truly been looked at until the moment they glanced my way.  That sparkly pair joined with his pearly whites were enough to make any girl swoon. 
He was adorable. 

I knew I had to make him my boyfriend. All it took to accomplish this was my feminine charm and striking good looks. 
After all what boy could resist the charm of a 6 year old girl? 
Yes, indeed, the charm of a girl with four bigger, older brothers is quite hard to resist. 
Soon I had him promising to marry me someday.
Our sticky hands clumsily wrote love notes in crayon everyday to show how we felt for each other.
One day he decided to up his game, he decided to kiss me. 
I didn’t even have time to think about if his kiss was worth risking the cooties.
He just walked up to me in the least romantic way possible and smashed his face into mine. 
But at that moment I could not think of a more pleasurable experience. 

At such a young age, I decided that kissing was wonderful and I wanted more of that boy’s lip. I freaked out, chasing him around the playground begging for, “just one more Tanner, just one more!” He freaked out too.
In the opposite way. 
He decided girls did have cooties and they were not worth the trouble. 
I thought my heart was broken 
but it turns out penciled promises 
                    (even if they are broken) 
                                                          are sharper than crayons 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Our time together


I wish that I could forget

But I'm trying to remember.

I wish the pain would go away

But I wish that it would kill me.

Friday, February 12, 2016


I tried so hard to hold it in
to be strong
for you 
I never wanted to show any kind of weakness
because I wanted to be there 
for you
you needed me 
and I would do anything to be everything for you 

That day 

I just couldn't anymore 

I couldn't pretend like everything was fine 
sometimes my days turn sour too 
                                I didn't know what sour meant back then
But I was still your rock 
and that's the way I wanted it
I ran away 
                  so you wouldn't see 
made up some excuse and left 

you followed

I couldn't stop the salt from flowing
the sting in my eyes 
the sting in my heart 
I'm sorry, I've failed you, I tried so hard
I begged you to leave 
                     so you wouldn't see
how could I ask you to trust that I would support you
if I let you see that sometimes I break too? 

I wanted nothing more than to catch you
                                                                        I wanted you to think I never fell 

But in that moment 
I failed 

"I don't want to talk about it"

                        "I know, I just want to hold you"

That's how I knew.

Now you see me cry every day
But I imagine you still love me 
and if you could 
I know you would 
say just what you did that day

that day I failed 
but you loved me anyway

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hearts don't make good erasers

I close my eyes so I can pretend that it's you
Your arms wrapped around me
Your smile pressed against mine
Your fingers running through my hair
You pull back, brushing my hair behind my ear, to whisper something sweet
Something I will write down later so as never to forget
         Even though we both know I'll never forget
But the voice I hear is harsh

my eyes fly open

The boy standing in front of me a stranger
And I'm drawn back to the present where you are still gone
And I am still using other hearts to erase the memory of yours

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Blogs

This (meaning the blogs) is a world where everyone is sad
Where everyone has something to say about depression
Where everyone has something to say about anxiety and loneliness and broken families and dreams never realized and expectations and heartbreak and pressures and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and andandandandandandandandandandan

rarely anything happy
This is a world where sad is normal
And happy is scarce
Because we spend so much time at school and work and with friends being happy
Sometimes we need a break
Even if we aren't really that sad
Sometimes we need to release

Even if your life hasn't really been that hard yet

(Which is okay really, just be grateful)

You make something up
Stretch the truth a bit
Because yet again, we are trying to fit in
Even hiding behind pen names

This isn't the place to seek help or attention
Because we can't help you, we don't know who you are
And Nelson doesn't have the time of day to track down each student who writes something sad
Just know he loves you
Really really he does

Please don't think I'm dismissing your feelings
Or mental illness
Because I have seen worst case scenario
And I understand the heartbreak

Really                                      I wish I could make that bigger
If you want to talk, I would love to listen
Seriously, I LOVE to listen.
But talk to ******* not PaP

                                               But that doesn't help ******* the people don't know who you are

Do you always talk to yourself?
                                                                                                                                                   Yes, now go away
I guess what I'm trying to say is
If I write something sad
Just know it's not a cry for help
I don't want you to feel sad, for me, or just in general
My writing really is more for me than it is for you
It's my release
I'm really doing okay
I swear

                                                           I told you to go away 

More often than not the smile you see is real
And I wait til I'm alone to cry

Also there are Hats in this world..........soooooo