Monday, January 28, 2019

4 years later

I had all but forgotten that these even existed
after a google search nose dive, procrastinating homework, here I am

I've read every post I once wrote
It hurts me to be reminded of how much pain I was in

I was so so young 
                                                         too too young 

That all feels like a lifetime ago and my heart is beating stronger than ever 

but it still hurts. 

every pounding is a reminder
every day is one day closer to the anniversary

it's been 4 years now. 

what's surprising is the anxiety as the day approaches

what's surprising is that today I didn't make it through a single class without crying

what's surprising is I'm still writing about it
                                                                   what would be even more surprising is if anyone read it

I am in so much pain and I don't understand how it's possible for the pain to ever stop 

I want to go now. 

It takes everything in me to stay

I don't know why I still stay

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, there's still a few of us left <3

    Different, but still here. Still having ups and downs.

    Still going. Still going.
