Friday, February 12, 2016


I tried so hard to hold it in
to be strong
for you 
I never wanted to show any kind of weakness
because I wanted to be there 
for you
you needed me 
and I would do anything to be everything for you 

That day 

I just couldn't anymore 

I couldn't pretend like everything was fine 
sometimes my days turn sour too 
                                I didn't know what sour meant back then
But I was still your rock 
and that's the way I wanted it
I ran away 
                  so you wouldn't see 
made up some excuse and left 

you followed

I couldn't stop the salt from flowing
the sting in my eyes 
the sting in my heart 
I'm sorry, I've failed you, I tried so hard
I begged you to leave 
                     so you wouldn't see
how could I ask you to trust that I would support you
if I let you see that sometimes I break too? 

I wanted nothing more than to catch you
                                                                        I wanted you to think I never fell 

But in that moment 
I failed 

"I don't want to talk about it"

                        "I know, I just want to hold you"

That's how I knew.

Now you see me cry every day
But I imagine you still love me 
and if you could 
I know you would 
say just what you did that day

that day I failed 
but you loved me anyway


  1. "sometimes my days turn sour too" I love this line.

    I also love the Amelie gif! Cutest movie!

  2. I love the way you format your posts

  3. so beautiful.
    "that day I failed
    but you loved me anyway"

  4. Oh my gosh, I love this. It's so real, so deep. you're just my favorite.

  5. "That day

    I just couldn't anymore
    I couldn't pretend like everything was fine"
    woah woah woah

  6. k love the blog super cute

    and this is cute

  7. "I wanted you to think I never fell"

    #stoooolen and never giving it back- this post is spectacular!
